Contrast Part 2: Composing it right in camera

Contrast is everything in photography composition. Right now we’re going through a moment in history that is defined by playing with light. The memorable images are the ones that use contrasting elements to draw the user in, and keep them there. Because photography has become so accessible through applications like Instagram and Google Images, there […]

Lightroom Classic: The unabridged, beginner’s guide

An example of how shutter speed affects your photos

Adobe Lightroom is one of the most powerful tools out there for photographers. It’s the photographer’s equivalent to Microsoft’s Excel, which nerds and bean counters have loved for generations because of its flexibility to do literally anything you throw at it. Lightroom is almost that powerful. It’s almost a one-stop-shop for a photographer’s entire editing […]

How to make your own presets to create a consistent look on Instagram

Presets are a professional tool that every photographer needs in their belt. Not only do they help speed up the editing process, but they’re a game-changer for making images look good side by side in a single click. That said, rarely will anyone just turn on a preset and consider an image complete. While that […]

Staying Bear Aware: Backcountry photography tips

There is one little thing that can absolutely destroy your perfect, well-planned backcountry landscape photography trip, and it is called a bear. Do you give much thought to bear safety when you are on a landscape photography trip in the mountains? If not, I’ll show you the steps that I take in order to avoid […]

Replacing the Sky in Photoshop

Leaving heavy lenses behind

The Artificial Intelligence-powered Sky replacement tool is one of the greatest new features in the latest version of Photoshop. If you haven’t updated yet, you should. The simple tool can flawlessly replace a drab sky with a dramatic one in under 2 minutes.  [twenty20 img1=”1877″ img2=”1891″ offset=”0.5″ before=”Before Sky Replacement” after=”After Sky Replacement”]   Is […]

The secret behind stunning fireworks photography

Fireworks photography in Paris

New Years’ Eve is coming up, and that can only mean one thing for landscape photographers — it’s fireworks season. I’m going to show you in this video how you can take stunning photos of fireworks. So, number one, here’s the quick equipment list. You’re going to need a tripod in order to keep that […]

3 easy ways to create a vignette in Lightroom

Vignetting used to be just a characteristic of bad lens design. Lenses wouldn’t transmit as much light onto the corners of the frame, be it digital or film. The effect would be especially amplified at the widest apertures.  But these days, vignetting is almost completely fixed. The best and brightest lens designers in the world […]

How a tripod can take your landscape photography to the next level

I can’t even begin to tell you the number of times I’ve been asked by photographers this simple question. When do I need to use a tripod? And when can I hand hold my camera? It’s a good question, and the answers aren’t always as simple as you might think. Here’s why I always use […]

8 reasons why your photos aren’t sharp

Wildlife photos require quick focusing and shutter speeds

There is one mistake that’s unrecoverable, and that’s taking an un-sharp photograph. You could have researched the perfect time and place to catch that evening glow. When you get there, the scene is exactly what you were hoping for. Only to get home, load the images into Lightroom, zoom in, and feel your heart break […]

Photography Academy T-Shirts are Here

t-shirts, mugs, tote bags for photography academy

They are here! Your Photography Academy t-shirt is ready and waiting for you! After nearly a year in the making, we have “our why”. If you don’t have a why in photography then you are lost. Our why is that we explore, create and inspire. Watch the video above to get the full meaning of […]

Why a van is perfect for photo adventures

Summer is here and you might be thinking of getting away for a photography adventure, but sitting in an airplane, eating in restaurants and staying in hotels might not be all that appealing at the moment. There is another option, and it is an option that I LOVE! Here are the top five reasons why […]