10 ways to take better images of flowers

Plants expend a lot of energy to make flowers beautiful. They do it because there’s a major payoff at the end. Pollinators like bees and hummingbirds will spend extra time around the most interesting and attractive flowers. And this means the plant is more likely to reproduce.  And of course, the most beautiful flowers are […]

Lightroom Classic: The unabridged, beginner’s guide

An example of how shutter speed affects your photos

Adobe Lightroom is one of the most powerful tools out there for photographers. It’s the photographer’s equivalent to Microsoft’s Excel, which nerds and bean counters have loved for generations because of its flexibility to do literally anything you throw at it. Lightroom is almost that powerful. It’s almost a one-stop-shop for a photographer’s entire editing […]

Contrast Part 1: Edit Photos to Stand Out

One question I get asked all the time by new photographers, is why aren’t my pictures turning out? What problems are causing these images to look flat, or uninspiring? And the truth is, it can be hard to know what makes a really good photograph. In the beginning of my photography days, I would take […]

Staying Bear Aware: Backcountry photography tips

There is one little thing that can absolutely destroy your perfect, well-planned backcountry landscape photography trip, and it is called a bear. Do you give much thought to bear safety when you are on a landscape photography trip in the mountains? If not, I’ll show you the steps that I take in order to avoid […]

The secret behind stunning fireworks photography

Fireworks photography in Paris

New Years’ Eve is coming up, and that can only mean one thing for landscape photographers — it’s fireworks season. I’m going to show you in this video how you can take stunning photos of fireworks. So, number one, here’s the quick equipment list. You’re going to need a tripod in order to keep that […]

Should I buy a laptop or desktop for photo editing?

A graphic showing which computer is better for photo editing

When I was a new photographer, I spend ages going over the internet to see what kind of a computer I should upgrade to. Back when I was in college, I always thought that a laptop computer wasn’t powerful enough for photo editing and that a desktop computer would be more practical. In some cases, […]

Nikon D850 One Year Review

A photo taken with the D850

This is my Nikon D850. There are many like it, but this one is mine. I’ve owned it for over a year. I’ve taken tens of thousands of photographs with it. And I figured it was high time for a proper review. I’ve used this Nikon D850 all around the world. I’ve taken pictures with […]

How a tripod can take your landscape photography to the next level

I can’t even begin to tell you the number of times I’ve been asked by photographers this simple question. When do I need to use a tripod? And when can I hand hold my camera? It’s a good question, and the answers aren’t always as simple as you might think. Here’s why I always use […]

Get your photo website built for you for half price

Every photographer needs a web presence.  But relying on social media alone is often not enough.  I want my own website with various galleries sorted by content type, an “about me” page where I can tell the world a bit about myself, and a contact page so people who want to buy photos can get […]

Acratech Tripod Head Review

One of the biggest questions new photographers ask is what tripod do I use? Tripods are integral for landscape photography, because they allow the user to take panoramas, HDR images, and long exposures. Using these techniques will take your landscape photography to the next level, and are all but required these days as we’re saturated […]

Lens Extension Tubes – Easy Close Up Photos

Press play on the video above if you want a cheap and easy way to take close-up photos of flowers, bugs, and other little things. Lens extension tubes are your answer for quick macro photography without buying a new macro lens. They cost very little and they do an amazing job of getting super close […]