3 easy ways to create a vignette in Lightroom

Vignetting used to be just a characteristic of bad lens design. Lenses wouldn’t transmit as much light onto the corners of the frame, be it digital or film. The effect would be especially amplified at the widest apertures.  But these days, vignetting is almost completely fixed. The best and brightest lens designers in the world […]

Use Dodge and Burn to create fine art landscapes

The secret to making beautiful photos is as old as photography itself. Dodging and Burning has been around since light was first recorded onto glass plates. It’s a technique so powerful, that Ansel Adams once said “ Dodging and burning are steps to take care of mistakes God made in establishing tonal relationships.”  Thankfully, you […]

How a tripod can take your landscape photography to the next level

I can’t even begin to tell you the number of times I’ve been asked by photographers this simple question. When do I need to use a tripod? And when can I hand hold my camera? It’s a good question, and the answers aren’t always as simple as you might think. Here’s why I always use […]

8 reasons why your photos aren’t sharp

Wildlife photos require quick focusing and shutter speeds

There is one mistake that’s unrecoverable, and that’s taking an un-sharp photograph. You could have researched the perfect time and place to catch that evening glow. When you get there, the scene is exactly what you were hoping for. Only to get home, load the images into Lightroom, zoom in, and feel your heart break […]

Master depth of field to get tack sharp photos

Watch the video above to see how to use depth of field will help you take super sharp photos WITHOUT boring and complicated explanations. Are you sick and tired of disappointing blurry photos? Do you want to be taking photos that are tack-sharp? Then you need to master depth of field once and for all! […]

How to set the focus point

This is how to set the focus point on your camera. When you purchased your camera, it came automatically set with multi-point focus mode. This means the camera will choose a point to focus on in the frame which may or may not be right for the composition you have chosen. I recommend you change […]

The histogram explained through music

The histogram is a photographer’s best friend, and the easiest way to understand how it works is to compare it to music. If you look at a music equalizer, the bars on the left represent the bass, and the bars on the right represent the high notes, or treble. The same is true with a […]